Italia Shore Streaming - Serie TV - CB01 - CINEBLOG01

Italia Shore streaming - 2x03

Italia Shore streaming
Serie TV / Reality / Cinema – DURATA 60′ – (2024 - In Lavorazione)
Trama: Dodici giovani, accomunati da una personalità esagerata e da uno stile di vita eccentrico, che vivranno una vacanza in una villa sul litorale laziale....+Info»
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Ca Oggi, 02:47
Loli be'! Ecco una versione più sintetica e chiara:


Native Americans

Native Americans were mistakenly called "Indians" by early European explorers who thought they had reached India. Many people still use this term today.

When Europeans arrived, Native Americans were divided into many tribes, including the Delaware, Iroquois, Cherokee, Shoshone, Apache, Sioux, and Comanche. These tribes had different languages and cultures, and some were often at war.

In the 19th century, Europeans forced Native Americans off their lands, pushing them into reservations. Today, many live in poverty, but some tribes manage museums, cultural centers, or casinos.

Not all Native Americans live in reservations—many have integrated into modern society.


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